Fixing My Budget

Friday, December 29, 2006


Okay so we are going to have to through the 12/15/06 budget out the window but to make a long story short the mechanic that fixed my car double charged me and went back and took the money. Horrible.

So now all my bills are now going to have to be dang near double paid in order for me to get back on track.

Here is my budget.


721 paycheck
30 savings

240 car note
500 rent

that pretty much all my money but.

I am going to be watching my neice for new years 20 bucks there.

Also the bank says that they will have a decision about the money on Jan 2.

So hopefully I will be getting my money back and I will then be able to do the following.

459.23 money owed to me.

220 light bill
100 prosper
50 Tribute

Thats it for now hopefully this is the beginning of a better new year.

Happy New year everyone.


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